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Figure Skating Policies & Guidelines

Agreement of Terms, Policies, Rules, Conduct & Conditions

By proceeding to the registration website, I agree to and understand all Ice Den Skating Department terms, policies, conditions, rules and codes of conduct. I further acknowledge and understand that failure to comply may result in loss of privileges.

All Skaters must register as a member of the Ice Den Skating Community and agree to updated Ice Den Figure Skating Policies & Procedures prior to booking ice times.


Class registration will automatically close at scheduled session start time or when capacity is reached.

Skaters are not permitted to skate if skater name is not registered for session.  Skaters who intentionally skate knowing they have not registered will be subject to disciplinary action including loss of ice privileges.



For your scheduling needs and convenience the Ice Den Scottsdale is proud to offer on-line figure skating registration.

Please review the detailed information below regarding contracts, freestyle session rules and code of conduct.

All contracts must be submitted in advance online.


Administration Desk Hours subject to change based on the daily building and ice surface schedule. Please check our website for updated hours.

If the Admin Office is not open when you arrive for your session, skaters must check in with a coach on the ice. 

There are many new faces on our team who assist with locker room key distribution and other business operations when Admin is closed. It is important to note that their duties do not include assisting with administrative tasks, program registration and general inquires. 

For proper assistance and information please contact Admin by phone, e-mail or in person during posted Admin Hours or use the Ice Den Team Directory online to e-mail a program director directly. E-mails and voicemails received outside posted Admin hours will be answered the following business day. 

Contracted Rates

Skaters are required to register in advance and prepay online for all freestyle, specialty, and off-ice classes at

Class schedule subject to change.

Session Prices: as of January 1, 2023

  • 45-minute freestyle sessions = $13 per skater per session
  • 60-minute freestyle sessions = $16 per skater per session
  • 30-minute specialty classes = $13 per skater per session
  • 45-60 minute off-ice classes = $20 per skater per class

Refunds, exchanges, or credits will not be awarded for missed/cancelled on-ice or off-ice sessions. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Early Cancel: Skaters may cancel 12 hours prior to scheduled session start time without penalty. Session credit (not money/funds) will automatically be returned to your account.   

Session Rules


  • Skater must show proof of registration if requested.  Skaters who intentionally skate knowing they have not registered will be subject to disciplinary action including loss of ice privileges.
  • Skaters must check-in for their session(s) day of by using the iPad at the Admin Desk and when Admin is not open with a coach on the ice.
  • Tardiness on sessions must be kept to a minimum. Please do not disrupt coaches and other skaters by arriving late.
  • Skaters are required to ask permission from their coach or any other coach if they need to leave in the middle of a session for any reason (i.e. Restroom use, Kleenex, etc.)
  • Skaters are not permitted to wear personal headsets/ear buds of any kind while skating on Freestyle sessions. Coaches only are permitted to use hand-held music systems for choreographic purposes.
  • All session times are subject to change. Reasonable notice of changes will be given to all coaches and contracted skaters when possible.
  • Stopping in the middle of the ice or side of boards/bleachers to talk to people is extremely dangerous. Skaters are expected to leave the ice if they wish to speak to anyone.
  • Only sealable, non-breakable liquid containers are permitted in the rink by the player bench area.


  • Maximum thirty (30) skaters per freestyle session and specialty classes.
  • Depending on the class structure and locations - maximum fifteen to twenty (15-20) skaters per off-ice classes.
  • Loitering in groups in the facility is not permitted between sessions/classes.
  • Put skates on in designated areas of the rink you are skating on only.
  • Skaters MUST enter through the following doors:
    Ice Den Scottsdale: Main Front Doors
  • Please limit valuables and personal belongings brought to the rink. Leave all other personal equipment in your skating bag or out of sight in a locked car. The Ice Den is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
  • Limit items on the top of the boards and player bench areas.
  • It is recommended skaters bring a plastic bag for dirty tissues and dispose in a trash can at the end of each session.
  • Failure to follow requirements will result in loss of privileges.



  • Right of Way: A skater executing their program, with their music and wearing the colored belt, always has the right of way.  Please be courteous and stay out of their way.
  • Socializing or horseplay on sessions will not be tolerated. For safety reason, all on-ice participants must pay attention and be aware of all other coaches and skaters.Skaters are expected to work – wasting time is wasting money!
  • Profanity, kicking the ice, temper tantrums/outbursts, unsportsmanlike conduct, etc., during any freestyle session will result in immediate dismissal from the session.Any coach has the right to dismiss any skater. If a skater continues to misbehave, the Senior Director of Skating & Programming will be contacted, and the skater will be asked to exit the ice and their guardian will be notified.
  • Coaches or skaters are not permitted on the ice at any time during a resurface. Zamboni drivers are instructed to terminate the resurface and leave the ice “as is” until the next scheduled resurface if this rule is not honored. Zamboni doors must be closed prior to skaters entering the ice.
  • All skaters and coaches must collect sweaters, garbage, tissues, water bottles, etc. from the rink boards after each session. Please always keep the rink tidy.
  • Rink doors must always remain closed during sessions for safety and to minimize injury. Please use caution when entering and exiting the ice.
  • When entering and exiting a session, DO NOT skate across the middle of the ice. Skate around the perimeter/edge of the boards.


  • Disruptive, immoral, unethical, or illegal behavior while in the Ice Den is not acceptable.Any such behavior will result in appropriate disciplinary action.
  • Anyone caught damaging; stealing or displacing other persons’ belongings will fully be dealt with by the law.
  • Use, ingestion, possession or trafficking of intoxicants, illegal drugs or any controlled substances is strictly prohibited while participating in any program or session offered at the Ice Dem
  • The Ice Dens are non-smoking facilities which includes e-cigarettes and all tobacco products.
  • Skaters are asked to conduct warm-up exercises and off-ice stretching in a non-traffic area of the building.


  • Proper skating or exercise attire is MANDATORY.
  • Baggy sweatshirts or Hoodies and baggy pants are not acceptable training attire.
  • No jeans, shorts, halter-tops, or exercise bras will be permitted.
  • Stomachs must be covered.
  • No baseball caps.
  • Long hair must be neatly tied back in a full ponytail or bun.
  • Laces of skates should be tucked in.


  • Music is played using the RinkMusic, Inc system. To utilize this feature, skaters must purchase a music key fob at the Admin Desk and register it online at the skater’s music is arranged, it may be uploaded onto the fob using a MP3 or WAVE file.Each rink has a fob scanner located by the announcement booth. Once the fob is scanned the skater’s music is put into the queue to be played.
  • Please write your name on the fob, and if desired, attach a small identifiable key chain or item to provide a bit of weight. During a session, fobs can be placed on the boards next to the fob scanner.
  • The use of a smartphone/iPad is not permitted due to the disruption of flow and time it causes. Understandably, visiting skaters may not have a fob, and we will do our best to accommodate. (Use of a smartphone/iPad requires a pause to the key fob system, manually playing the smartphone/iPad, and then returning to the key fob music queue.)


Neither Parents/Guardians/Spectators nor skaters are permitted in the coaches’ locker room at any time.


  • Parents/Guardians/Spectators are not permitted to “coach” or “instruct” skaters from the bleacher or lobby areas.It is hazardous to everyone on the ice.
  • Please always demonstrate a positive and supportive attitude in all your skater’s endeavors.
  • Parents/Guardians/Spectators may enter the player bench area only upon approval from Senior Director of Skating & Programming to videotape or photograph their skater.
  • Negative or hurtful comments about other coaches, skaters or parents are unproductive, disrespectful, discouraging and will not be tolerated.


  • Emergency/First Aid supplies are located at the Skate Rental counter, the Zamboni room and the Administration Office in the main lobby area.
  • Ice bags are available behind the Skate Rental counter in the in the main lobby.


Ice Den Scottsdale and Ice Den Chandler fully support the U.S. Figure Skating Skatesafe Program.

U.S. Figure Skating strives to provide a safe environment for their members that are free of misconduct and harassment. The association will not tolerate or condone any form of harassment or misconduct of any of its members including athletes, coaches, officials, directors, employees, parents, volunteers or any other persons while they are participating in or preparing for a figure skating activity or event conducted under the auspices of U.S. Figure Skating. All forms of misconduct are unacceptable and in direct conflict with U.S. Figure Skating rules.

The U.S. Figure Skating Skatesafe Program addresses the following types of misconduct: 

  • Sexual misconduct 
  • Physical misconduct
  • Emotional misconduct
  • Bullying, threats and harassment
  • Hazing
  • Willfully tolerating misconduct


Any issues/complaints from skaters, parents or coaches must be submitted in writing, signed, and mailed to:

Tara Patterson
Senior Director of Skating & Programming
Ice Den Scottsdale
9375 East Bell Road
Scottsdale, AZ, 85260